Welcome to


The distillery will be open to explore in summer of 2022. Until then Centennial refines his spirits to provide you with nothing less then the absolute best.


Check out my story below!


This is how the story of Centennial, half man half owl begins...

Many years ago, on a bright sunny day in mid spring there was a person named Centennial. He was well educated, social and had lots of friends with common interests in life. Knowledge was a key factor in Centennial’s life. With his accumulated knowledge he brings wise solutions to ones who are in need and with a helicopter view he gives good advice on every imaginary problem. Therefore, friends gave him a nickname ‘the owl’.


He always ran out of time. If you ask the love of his life what she thinks about it she would say: “He’s always occupied, living in the future and he has few quality moments with his loved ones.”

On the day his first child was born his wife asked him: “What do you really love in life? What makes your heart beats faster? He struggled to answer straight away, but this particular question intrigued him deeply.

A few months later on a cold winter evening by the campfire Centennial decided to think about his wife’s question. He opened a well-aged bottle of whiskey to get the most honest answer he can think of.

The question kept running through his mind, but no good answer came to him. Suddenly, after he finished 1/2 of the bottle in a blur state of thinking a tought came to him: “How is this spirit that I’m drinking made?” 
Like a truth seeker he got all excited and started searching for the real story behind the creation of this great spirit.

In spite of finding the knowledgeable answers he was hoping for, he sank more and more into disappointing explanations. He wasn’t able to find the satisfying true answers.

Then, like a lightning hit him he knew the answer to his wife’s question: “If I want to find out what’s truly in this spirit I have to make it myself.” This is how Centennial’s wisdom journey is born and the question of his wife answered by itself.
The never ending interest of making knowledgeable spirits is a fact!  

Do you believe
in fairy tales?

The true answer to that question is that we as humans are always seeking for the best truth. We base our answers on facts we know. No matter how much wisdom you gain in your life, it’s all about making your knowledge applicable.

The fundamental of Centennial’s spirits is based on a key fact: “Dividing wisdom is multiplying”. Now you know what you are drinking you can say you are actually getting smarter by the glass.

That’s were the slogan comes from: Wisdom in a bottle !

The distillery is open for you,..

Making good spirits takes time. Before Centennial is 100% ready to conquer the world he is refining his spirits – infusing them with all his wisdom – to provide you with nothing less than the absolute best. In the second half of 2022 we would like to welcome our public to visit the distillery and we will have our own spirits ready for commercial sale.

In the meantime we can help you with:

  • Private labels
  • Custom gifts
  • Fruit distilling
  • Branding new spirits
  • Corporate gifts

Collaborate on a customized product!

Knowledge, experience and passion are the elements we offer in developing your personal brand and products. Bring your vision to life — carefully and locally produced with a beautiful personalized design.

We provide private labeling, as well as the development of your own brand for special events.

Our complete service includes branding, design, recipe development, distillation, production, packaging and logistics. We can even provide you connections with events and an online store.

Collaborate on a customized product!

Collaborate on a customized product!

Knowledge, experience and passion are the elements we offer in developing your personal brand and products. Bring your vision to life — carefully and locally produced with a beautiful personalized design. We provide private labeling, as well as the development of your own brand for special events.

Our complete service includes branding, design, recipe development, distillation, production, packaging and logistics. We can even provide you connections with events and an online store.

Private label or custom gifts ?

Do you want to create your own spirit brand? Dutchtillery has the skills and capacity to create your private label spirits ranging from corporate gifts, startups and catering industry.

Concept development

Idea for a new spirit? Our specialist can help yo develop your innovative concept to a market-ready beverage.

Recipe development

The spirit specialist in our in-house laboratory develops the recipe and optimizes the formula.

Production & botteling

Our facilities can produce a variety of alcoholic drinks. We have the knowledge and equipment to produce many types of spirits & liquors